Welcome to the New Year! A time to refresh and renew. Once the holiday decorations are taken down and put away we see a blank canvas in our space that feels like it needs that extra “something” or “something” is missing.
   First things first, take a walk through your home and create a list of what you’d like to accomplish for each room. Some spaces may not require much, others you may like to totally re-haul. This list is to serve as your guide and inspiration throughout the year.
   Once you have made a list, sit down and really prioritize what areas you want to address first, second, third and so on. Remember that all changes take time so be reasonable with your time-frame and goals. I suggest working on one space at a time versus jumping from room to room. While it may be helpful to grab things as you see them, you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment when you have one space fully completed. It will provide you with the motivation to continue moving forward with the other projects on the list.
   For larger projects or renovations, don’t be afraid to reach out to professionals for guidance and project assistance. Designers can help you oversee your renovation from start to finish and are a great asset in pulling your vision together when so many decisions can seem overwhelming. Talk with your designer about budget and goals. Together you should be able to find a working relationship that suits both of you.
   May you enter the New Year with inspiration to change that space or several spaces that you have been putting off. Take charge and make this the year you begin to create the house you’ve always wanted. Make your house YOUR home! Cheers!


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